Thursday 18 February 2010

Thursday 18th February 2010

Thursday! Usually a work day for me, but half term brings the pleasure of unsetting the alarm and not leaving the house at 6:45 a.m. After a lay in until 8:30, after Lord GP had left for work, taking No 2 son to nursery (no half term for him!) I had the pleasure of my elder children's company for the day.

We loaded up the car and headed off to my school. Even though it is half term, I had work to do in the classroom, so we went together, armed with laminator and paper trimmer. The children were really helpful, they did the laminating and trimming and helped me create a new role play area for the classroom.

I always wanted to teach. From the age of 6 I never wavered in my choice of career (apart from a few weeks at 15, when hairdressing seemed appealing - exams were looming and a job that didn't require A levels appeared attractive!) when asked, I always said I wanted to be an infant teacher. I left school and went straight to university to complete a 4 year degree, resulting in a teaching qualification.

I have taught in many schools in the last 20+ years. My current school is in a very deprived area, with a high level of special needs (double the national average) and many other factors seen as disadvantages. I however, love working with children from deprived homes, they are curious, loving, fascinated, cheeky and fabulous - just as children from so called "well off" homes. The difference is that for the majority of my class, we are the stable factor in their life, often the only place that they go where there are boundaries and rules. They thrive in our setting, often starting as nervous tearful little people who blossom into confident, happy children, with a thirst for learning. I love the way they run to show you a leaf or a feather that they found on the way to school, the way they gaze at you, seeking approval for their actions. The endless questions about everything are a joy. The need for a hug or reassurance when things aren't going to plan serve as a reminder that they are individuals with their own needs and personalities.

As I watched my own children working together at the laminator, I wondered what path they would follow. My daughter already says she wants to be an infant teacher - completely unprompted by me! Given my own history, I can already see her in the classroom with small children adoring her. No 1 son is not so fixed on his career path yet. The only thing he is certain of is that he will be a Lifeboat Coxswain. His love of lifeboats is longstanding and deep. He is a fount of knowledge and trivia, and can always be relied on to provide a fact or factoid in quiet moments! No 2 son is too young to have expressed an interest in careers, his path as yet a mystery to be uncovered.

We finished the classroom, and went home for lunch. As a reward for their help, I bought them a dvd to watch this afternoon. I was really touched when I asked what treat they would like, my daughter said "You to sit with us and watch a film, with popcorn" I could not refuse! So the 3 of us had a lovely cuddle on the sofa, with our feet up, munching Butterkist. Sometimes motherhood is not so bad!

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